Friday, March 1, 2013

One Last Mural From my Trip to Canada

Born in 1961 in Grimsby, Ontario. Jeff King was one of those children who worried excessively about what he was going to be when he grew up. One night, a little voice spoke to him and it said "Jeff...... Jeff.... I want you to become an artist... I want you to paint marine wildlife". Jeff already had a great love for animals and marine life in particular. As the years passed, he prepared himself by becoming an expert scuba diver and underwater photographer. He began to paint everything he could get his hands on. But it was rough going. He practiced on gold fish, but the paint wouldn't stick. Tropical fish already were colorful enough and they were slippery to hold. The marine mammals were difficult to find and he was often thrown from the water or beaten with flukes (tail fin). Besides people seemed to like the beluga's white. Jeff felt by now he had misunderstood the voice that had inspired him so long ago?
After careful thought and deep meditation it came to him. CANVAS! yes I can paint marine life on canvas!....

This snippet doesn't precisely match the pictures that follow. But I love the humor in it.
I love when a mural comes with such detailed information.  Too bad websites don't always last as long as paint.

Visit to Canada

I found two Murals that incorporate graffiti writing. They are located somewhere east of Victoria BC's China Town. They are signed "Kwota," and dated "13". The level of detail in these murals gives me the impression that they were commissioned. There are links to other graffiti work that incorporates the word Kwota at the bottom of this post. Kwota is most likely the moniker of one or more graffiti artist/s.  More images can be found in a Google Image search for Kwota.
I like to imagine that only one person is using the word Kwota in their work.  If I could be sure of that then I could say that the pieces that I captured represent a major evolution in the artists work. 

This mural seems to say MATTER.

I'm not sure about this one.

Kwota Graffiti image on Website That Maps Graffiti in Toronto

Kwota appears in graffiti image Copyrighted in 1997.  The Page name is Art Crimes: Vancouver 7.

An image titled Kwota dc with the comment, “Get a new name, it’s already taken.  Since the early 90’s…”