Monday, January 28, 2013

Words Found on Wood and Concrete

"Speak," says the fellow with the hypnotic eyes.

"No one likes your band," says some grump by the bulletin board.

"#Trust Fund," says the person who deciphered a privileged life out of a line of violent text. 

The Writing on the Wall

The writing on the wall is often large, bold, and difficult to read.  But some is small, normal, and clear—At least in terms of the shape of the letters.  I would love to know the circumstances that the following two paragraphs were written under.  But there is a certain kind of creativity in not knowing.  Not knowing allows everybody to expand the stories however they want to. 



Friday, January 25, 2013

Red Breasted Robins

I bumped into a flock of what I believe are Red Breasted Robins on my walk back from the bus yesterday.  I was lucky that I had to take the less convenient bus to get to the store that carries my favorite brand of mouthwash.  The field that I pass on my way home from the less convenient bus stop has been a wonderful place to view animals recently. 
Most of us can’t get to an untouched piece of wilderness very often.  But Animals, lawns, cement, and bricks can make visually striking images in their own way. 

I'm not sure what kind of bird this next one is.
But I love how much like a painting the picture looks.

Work Made for a Dream Psychology and Art Program (Not Made by Me)

There is something primal about forming art out of whatever can be found, cut, and stacked together.  Altering the natural environment is a human reality.  I respect work that the forces of nature can more or less return to normal in their own time.  No artificial chemicals will be leached. No apparently manmade debris will be left behind.  There are only sticks, mud, and stones—that will eventually be knocked down as naturally as they were stacked up.  


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Dearly Rewarded (Pun Intended)

I was rewarded today for my choice to take the number 48 bus that stops at the Evergreen State College library, instead of the number 41 bus that stops in front of my apartment complex.  If I would have been dropped off in front of my apartment complex I would probably have missed the two black tailed deer that were grazing in the field near the on-campus apartments.   



Downtown on the Bus

This picture taken from the transit center in Downtown Olympia shows a variety of methods that people use to express themselves in public spaces.  It captures portions of two murals and a couple of graffiti tags, not to mention all the cars. 

I have been wondering what the tag that looks like a “C” next to a “Z” stands for.  I have seen it in several places.

There are so many wonderful murals in Downtown Olympia.  Here are a few of the ones that the number 48 bus to Evergreen passes on its route.

I have been meaning to take pictures of the Downtown Olympia murals on a dry day.

Stop, Look, Vote

In one way or another each of the following images is a call to action.  One of them makes light of a command that many follow each day, another puts the object of its command in easy view, and the third is a slightly worn command to express ones choices on who should lead them and how their world should be run. 


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

My New Years Resolution

Working from home works out well for people like me who don’t drive.  But I graduated college in the spring of 2012 and not having a class or job that I need to walk to everyday got me into the bad habit of staying in my apartment far too much during the week.   I’m tired of feeling like a hermit or a hibernating bear, so I have become a walking photographer instead.
I Love art.   Street art, abandoned art, fine art, artfully painted cars, etc.—whatever form art takes it adds interest to our communities.   I was a writing major and a visual art minor at The Evergreen State College in Olympia, and I haven’t moved very far away.
This Blog will be a repository for the spray painted, stickered, taped, knitted, sculpted, chalked, and stacked art that I find all around me on my weekday walks.  It will also showcase anything else that I find interesting to photograph.
I am seven days into this new walking photographer project.  I will start with three images that fit the theme of movement.